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  • adammuratoff

These are some sample-sized Biomes I created while evaluating various 3D terrain generation tools. These are realtime, so I can revise anything with immediate updates, which is just an amazing way to work. These can all be easily Bridged to Unreal Engine's World Partition (previously World Composition) for Massive Open World experiences, or exported to most other 3D DCC's. Extremely quick and intuitive. I really enjoy the workflow with these.

  • adammuratoff

Here's a series of Fractal Flames I made just for fun. I've always enjoyed seeing them and wanted to try my hand at it. I'm quite happy with how these turned out for my first attempts.

  • adammuratoff

Large scale terrain and biome creation I made, as seen here in UE4, Virtual Production ready. Not perfect, but very promising as some of my first tests doing this and using UE4 in a production setting.

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